Neuerscheinungen (30 works)
Codex (3 works)
Commentatio (3 works)
Colloquium (14 works)
Dissertatio (22 works)
Doctrina (1 works)
Liber amicorum (7 works)
Monographia (16 works)
Thesis (2 works)
Scriptum (2 works)
Anthologia (14 works)
RSDS / SZG (6 works)
UFL (13 works)
IRIS / OCG (8 works)
Editions W. (10 works)
Andere Reihen (15 works)
Prossimi eventi (2 works)
Liquid Legal Institute (5 works)
Maria del Rocio Franch Oviedo
Shared parental responsibilities and the best interests of the child
Perspectives in Spain, England & Wales, and Switzerland with a special focus on the influence of media
328 Pages
Editions Weblaw 2023, ISBN 978-3-03916-179-9
Also available as e-publication
CHF 47.75 incl. VAT